Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
- Dosha Vata ↑, Kapha ↑
Subtle Causes of Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
- Akash
- Vayu
- Jala
- Prithvi
Guna Hetu | Attribute Causes
- Guru
- Sheeta
- Snigdha
Rasa Hetu | Taste Causes
- Madhura
- Amla
- Lavana
Imbalance of Dosha, Dhatu, Mala in Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
- Vata ↑, Kapha ↑
- Rasa
- Sweda
Imbalance of Agni, Systems, Organs in Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
- Jatharangi Mandhya
- Rasa Dhatvagni Mandhya
Srotas | Systems
- Prana
- Rasa
- Nasa
Vyadhi mode of Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
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Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa) Defination
Peenasa is the Ayurvedic term for sinusitis, characterized by inflammation of the nasal sinuses, often accompanied by mucus accumulation, headache, and congestion.
Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa) Description
In Ayurveda, sinusitis (Peenasa) occurs due to an imbalance of Kapha and Vata doshas. The vitiation leads to blockage of nasal passages, accumulation of mucus, and inflammation in the sinus cavities..Swelling of the sinuses leading to mucus buildup and difficulty in breathing
Food related causes Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
- Excessive consumption of cold, heavy, or oily foods (e.g., dairy products, sweets).
- Kapha-aggravating foods, such as fried foods, refined sugars, and cold beverages.
Behavioral Causes of Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
- Exposure to cold climates without proper protection.
- Suppression of natural urges, such as sneezing or crying.
- Prolonged exposure to dust, smoke, and allergens.
- Improper sleep routines and stress.
Pathogenesis Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
Vitiation of Kapha and Vata doshas leads to the obstruction of channels (Srotas) in the head region, causing inflammation and mucus build-up in the sinus cavities.
Peenasa (Sinusitis)
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Vata Type Kapha Type Sannipata Type
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Dryness, Pain | Mucus, Congestion | Combined Symptoms
Difficulty Breathing | Heaviness in Head | Severe Blockage
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Prodromal Symptoms: Mild Congestion, Headache, Fatigue
Diagnosis Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
Peenasa (Sinusitis)
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Vata Type Kapha Type Sannipata Type
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Dryness, Pain | Mucus, Congestion | Combined Symptoms
Difficulty Breathing | Heaviness in Head | Severe Blockage
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Prodromal Symptoms: Mild Congestion, Headache, Fatigue
Treatment Approaches:
Herbal Remedies | Nasya | Panch
Presymptoms of Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
- Mild headache or heaviness in the head.
- Sensation of a runny or blocked nose.
- General fatigue or tiredness.
- Itchy or watery eyes.
Symptoms of Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
- Pain and tenderness in the sinus area
- nasal discharge
- mucus production
Symptoms descriptions of Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
- Congestion and difficulty breathing through the nose.
- Pressure and pain around the eyes, forehead, and nose.
- Post-nasal drip (mucus dripping down the back of the throat).
- Headache or heaviness in the head.
- Loss of smell or taste.
Types of Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
- Vataja Peenasa: Dry and painful, with difficulty breathing.
- Kaphaja Peenasa: Mucus accumulation, heaviness, and congestion.
- Sannipataja Peenasa: A combination of both, with severe symptoms.
Complications due to Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
- Chronic sinus infections.
- Loss of smell and taste.
- Nasal polyps.
- Facial pain or pressure
Curable or Non curable probability of Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
Sadhya (Curable): With proper treatment, especially in the early stages.
Treatment of Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
Herbal Remedies:
- Trikatu (ginger, long pepper, black pepper): Helps to balance Kapha.
- Tulsi (Holy Basil): Helps to clear respiratory channels.
- Haridra (Turmeric): Anti-inflammatory and helps reduce sinus swelling.
- Pippali (Long Pepper): Promotes digestion and reduces Ama.
Panchakarma (Detoxification Procedures):
- Vamana (Emesis Therapy): To expel excess Kapha from the body.
- Nasal Cleansing (Neti): Use of saline or medicated water for nasal irrigation.
- Prana Mudra: To balance Vata and Kapha doshas.
Yoga and Pranayama:
- Bhramari Pranayama: Helps to relieve sinus pressure and reduce headaches.
- Jala Neti: Nasal cleansing to clear blockages.
- Kapalabhati: Helps to expel mucus and toxins.
Acupressure Points:
- LI20 (Large Intestine 20): Located on either side of the nostrils to relieve nasal congestion.
- BL2 (Bladder 2): Above the inner corner of the eyes, for sinus relief.
Panchakarma for Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
- Ingredients:
- Yashti madhu
- Dosage: 4lit
- Duration: 1
- Instructions:
- Ingredients:
- Ingredients:
- Panchagavya Nasal Drops ( 4 drops in each nostril)
- Shad-Bindu Tail ( 1 drop in each nostril)
- Dosage: Panchagavya 4 & shadbindu 1 drop in each nostril
- Duration: 14 days
- Instructions:
- Ingredients:
Do's in Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
- Warm, light, and easy-to-digest foods, like soups and steamed vegetables.
- Spices like ginger, cumin, and black pepper to boost digestion and clear Kapha.
- Honey mixed with warm water to reduce Kapha.
Dont's in Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
- Cold, heavy, or greasy foods, especially dairy.
- Cold drinks or refrigerated items.
- Sweets and sugar-heavy foods.
Modern Correlation of Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses, typically caused by infections, allergies, or structural issues such as a deviated septum. Symptoms include congestion, facial pain, and post-nasal drip.
Invistigations in Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)
A. Modern Investigations:
- Nasal endoscopy.
- CT scan of the sinuses.
- Allergy tests.
- X-rays of the sinuses.
B. Ayurvedic Investigations:
- Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis): To assess doshic imbalance.
- Jihva Pariksha (Tongue Examination): To assess Ama and dosha involvement.
- Shabda Pariksha (Voice Examination): To evaluate respiratory blockages.
Shop Medicines Related to Sinusitis (Pratishyaya / Peenasa)

Sinusitis Relief Kit
Price: 599.0

Pancha Gavya Nasal D
Price: 250.0
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