Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
- Dosha Vata ↑, Kapha ↓
Subtle Causes of Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
- Vayu
Guna Hetu | Attribute Causes
- Ruksha
Rasa Hetu | Taste Causes
- Tikta
Imbalance of Dosha, Dhatu, Mala in Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
- Vata ↑, Kapha ↓
- Majja
- Asthi
- Mala
Imbalance of Agni, Systems, Organs in Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
- Jatharangi Mandhya
Srotas | Systems
- Asthi
- Majja
- Sandhi
Vyadhi mode of Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
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Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis) Defination
Sandhigata Vata refers to the disorder of joints characterized by inflammation, pain, stiffness, and restricted mobility. It is primarily associated with the aggravation of Vata dosha affecting the joints, leading to degeneration and dysfunction.
Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis) Description
Sandhigata Vata is an affliction of the joints where aggravated Vata dosha enters and accumulates in the joints, causing drying of the synovial fluid and weakening of the joint structures. This results in pain, stiffness, and swelling, impacting the individual’s mobility and quality of life. It correlates with osteoarthritis and other arthritic conditions in modern medicine.
Food related causes Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
- Excessive intake of Vata-aggravating foods like cold, dry, and light foods.
- Consumption of processed and preserved foods that lead to Ama (toxins).
- Inadequate intake of nourishing, unctuous foods that support joint health, such as ghee and oils.
Behavioral Causes of Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
- Sedentary lifestyle with limited physical movement.
- Excessive physical exertion or lifting heavy weights can aggravate Vata in the joints.
- Exposure to cold, dry, or windy environments which increases Vata dosha.
Pathogenesis Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
Arthritis or Sandhigata Vata develops due to:
- Aggravation of Vata dosha, which causes degeneration and drying within the joints.
- Accumulation of Ama (toxins) due to weak digestive fire, leading to obstruction and inflammation within the joints.
- Vitiation of Asthi (bone) and Majja (marrow) dhatus, affecting the structural integrity and function of the joints.
Sloka Reference:
- Charaka Samhita (Chikitsa Sthana 28.37): "वातो नाम बलाधानं शरीरस्य चरावताम्।"
- This verse highlights Vata’s role in body movement, and its disturbance leading to joint dysfunction.
Diagnosis Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
- X-ray and imaging to assess joint degeneration and bone changes.
- Physical examination to evaluate joint function and pain response.
- Blood tests for inflammation markers and autoimmune indicators if rheumatoid arthritis is suspected.
Presymptoms of Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
- Mild joint pain and aching.
- Joint stiffness that may resolve after movement.
- Cracking sound from the joints on movement.
Symptoms of Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
- Localized pain and tenderness around the joints.
- Crepitus (grating sound) due to loss of cartilage
- Deformity and instability of the affected joints over time
- Morning stiffness which gradually improves with movement
Symptoms descriptions of Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
- Severe pain and stiffness in the affected joints.
- Swelling and redness around the joints.
- Restricted movement and joint deformity in advanced stages.
- Increased pain during cold weather or after physical exertion.
Complications due to Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
- Deformity of the joints
- Loss of mobility
- Development of secondary infections
Curable or Non curable probability of Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
Prognosis is variable; mild cases with early intervention can be managed well, but severe, untreated cases may lead to chronic disability.
Treatment of Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
- Snehana (Oleation): Using medicated oils both internally and externally to lubricate joints.
- Swedana (Fomentation): Application of warmth through therapies like Pinda Sweda (bolus massage) to alleviate pain.
- Basti (Enema therapy): Medicated oil or decoction enemas to balance Vata.
- Herbal remedies: Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Shallaki (Boswellia serrata), and Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) are recommended for joint health.
Sloka Reference:
- Ashtanga Hridayam (Chikitsa Sthana 21.55): "स्नेह स्वेदनम् उचितं वृद्धवातस्य …।"
- This indicates that oleation and fomentation are beneficial in treating aggravated Vata dosha disorders.
Do's in Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
- Warm, moist foods with plenty of ghee and oils.
- Nourishing foods like milk, cooked vegetables, and soups.
- Avoid cold, dry foods that aggravate Vata.
Dont's in Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
- Avoid excessive fasting or overexertion.
- Limit consumption of raw and cold foods that are difficult to digest.
Modern Correlation of Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
Arthritis involves inflammation of the joints, causing pain, swelling, and restricted movement. Osteoarthritis, a common form, results from wear-and-tear on joints, while rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder causing systemic inflammation.
Invistigations in Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
- X-rays to check for joint degeneration.
- Blood tests for rheumatoid factor, CRP, and ESR to confirm inflammatory arthritis.
Shop Medicines Related to Sandhigata Vata (Arthritis)
Arthritis Kit – Ayur
Price: 899.0
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