Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
- Dosha Vata ↑, Kapha ↑
Subtle Causes of Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
- Akash
- Vayu
Guna Hetu | Attribute Causes
- Laghu
- Sheeta
- Ruksha
- Khara
- Drava
- Sukshma
Rasa Hetu | Taste Causes
- Katu
- Tikta
- Kashaya
Imbalance of Dosha, Dhatu, Mala in Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
- Vata ↑, Kapha ↑
- Rasa
- Asthi
- Sweda
Imbalance of Agni, Systems, Organs in Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
- Jatharangi Mandhya
- Asthi Dhatvagni Mandhya
- Vayu Bhutangi Mandhya
Srotas | Systems
- Prana
- Udakavaha
- Nasa
- Twak
Vyadhi mode of Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
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Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS) Defination
Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS) refers to the displacement or deviation of the nasal septum from its normal central position, leading to obstruction in one or both nasal passages. In Ayurveda, DNS is primarily viewed as an imbalance in Vata dosha, which governs structure and movement, affecting the nasal passages.
Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS) Description
In DNS, the septum, which divides the nasal cavity into two equal parts, is misaligned, causing difficulty in breathing through the nose. In Ayurveda, this misalignment can be linked to the distortion of bodily structures governed by Vata dosha. Chronic obstruction and difficulty in breathing can lead to further complications like sinusitis and headaches.
Food related causes Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
A diet that aggravates Vata dosha, such as dry, cold, and rough foods, contributes to the structural distortion seen in DNS. Poor nourishment and an imbalanced diet lacking in healthy fats and essential nutrients can also weaken bodily tissues, leading to the misalignment of the nasal septum.
Behavioral Causes of Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
Habits that increase Vata imbalance, such as lack of proper sleep, over-exertion, stress, and exposure to cold and dry environments, contribute to DNS. Trauma to the nose or repeated nasal infections can also trigger the deviation of the septum.
Pathogenesis Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
The aggravation of Vata dosha, due to improper diet, lifestyle, or injury, leads to structural instability in the nasal septum. Over time, this causes the septum to deviate, obstructing the free flow of air through one or both nostrils. This obstruction impairs Prana Vayu (the vital life force), affecting respiration and leading to various complications like headaches, sinusitis, and breathing difficulties.
Diagnosis Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
- Physical examination of the nasal cavity for septal deviation
- Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha) to assess Vata aggravation
- Nasal endoscopy to observe the extent of the deviation and any blockages
Presymptoms of Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
- Frequent nasal congestion, particularly on one side
- Breathing difficulty during physical exertion
- Occasional mild headaches
- Dryness in the nasal cavity
Symptoms of Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
- Thinning Hair
- Receding Hairline
- Visibly deviated septum upon examination
- Nasal obstruction leading to breathing difficulties
- Signs of inflammation in the nasal passages
- Dryness and discomfort in the nasal cavity
Symptoms descriptions of Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
- Difficulty in breathing through one or both nostrils
- Chronic nasal congestion
- Recurrent sinus infections
- Snoring or sleep apnea
- Frequent headaches
- Postnasal drip
Types of Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
- Vata-Predominant DNS: Characterized by severe dryness, cracking, and difficulty in breathing without significant mucus production.
- Kapha-Predominant DNS: Involves excessive mucus production, leading to further blockage of the nasal passages along with the deviation.
Complications due to Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
- Chronic sinusitis
- Sleep apnea
- Frequent headaches and facial pain
- Chronic mouth breathing, leading to dry mouth and throat issues
- Respiratory infections due to impaired airflow
Curable or Non curable probability of Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
DNS can be managed effectively through Ayurvedic and holistic treatments, but complete correction often requires lifestyle adjustments and continuous management of Vata dosha. Surgical intervention may be necessary in severe cases, though recurrence of symptoms can occur without lifestyle changes.
Treatment of Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
- Nasya Therapy (Nasal Oil Instillation): Medicated oils such as Anu Taila or Shadbindu Taila can be administered to lubricate and nourish the nasal tissues, reducing dryness and inflammation.
- Herbal Remedies:
- Dashamoola: Balances Vata and reduces inflammation.
- Haridra (Turmeric): Anti-inflammatory properties help reduce nasal blockage.
- Ashwagandha: Supports tissue nourishment and restores structural integrity.
- Panchakarma Therapies:
- Virechana (Purgation): To eliminate excess Vata and balance bodily systems.
- Nasya for cleansing and nourishing nasal passages.
- Steam Inhalation: Using herbal decoctions like Tulsi and Eucalyptus to open nasal passages and improve airflow.
Holistic Treatment:
- Essential Oils: Eucalyptus and peppermint oil can be used for inhalation to relieve nasal congestion.
- Yoga and Breathing Exercises: Pranayama techniques like Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing) to improve airflow and balance Vata.
- Postural Adjustments: Avoid sleeping on the side where the nasal passage is more blocked, to prevent further obstruction.
Do's in Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
- Warm, nourishing, and moist foods to pacify Vata, such as soups, stews, and ghee.
- Include spices like ginger, cumin, and black pepper to aid digestion and reduce Kapha accumulation.
- Avoid dry, cold, and processed foods which aggravate Vata.
Dont's in Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
- Avoid cold, dry, and light foods (e.g., crackers, salads, raw vegetables).
- Exposure to cold weather and dry air should be minimized.
- Avoid stress, excessive physical exertion, and irregular sleeping patterns, all of which aggravate Vata.
Modern Correlation of Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
In modern medicine, DNS is caused by congenital deformities, trauma, or chronic inflammation. Treatment typically includes nasal decongestants, antihistamines, or in severe cases, surgical intervention (septoplasty). Ayurvedic and holistic approaches focus on balancing Vata dosha to improve airflow and restore structural alignment naturally.
Invistigations in Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
- Nasal endoscopy
- CT scan to determine the extent of the septal deviation
- Allergy testing to rule out secondary causes of inflammation
Shop Medicines Related to Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS)
DNS Relief Kit – Ayu
Price: 599.0
Pancha Gavya Nasal D
Price: 250.0
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