Rutu Charya for Vasanta

Rutu Charya Details

  • Vasanta: Vaishakha, Chaitra

    Vasanta Ritucharya

    Vasanta Ritucharya: Seasonal Regimen for Spring

    1. Charaka Samhita:

    Digestive Fire (Jatharagni):

    • Weakens due to aggravated Kapha dosha.

    Pathya Ahara (Favorable Diet):

    • Avoid heavy (guru), sour (amla), oily (snigdha), and sweet (madhura) foods.
    • Recommended foods include barley (Jo), wheat (Gehun), and lean meats like Sharabha, Khaegosh, Lava, Bateradi Mamas.
    • Sidhu (liquor) and Madhivika paan (herbal preparations) are suggested for balancing Kapha.

    Pathya Vihara (Favorable Lifestyle):

    • Practices include exercises, body massage (Ubtana), smoking (Dhumpana), gargling (Kavalgrha), eye application (Anjana), and sandalwood-agar application (Agar-Chandana Lepa).

    2. Sushruta Samhita:

    Ambiance of Spring:

    • Describes the season with celestial beings, blooming jasmine, Malti flowers, and soothing southern winds from Malaygiri.

    Pathya Ahara:

    • Emphasizes enjoying the purity of surroundings adorned with groves, Palash, lotus ponds, Bakul, mango, and Ashoka trees.

    Pathya Vihara:

    • Encourages experiencing the enchanting atmosphere filled with the songs of nightingales and the buzzing of bees.

    3. Astang Hridya:

    Effects of Spring:

    • Notes the melting of accumulated mucus from winter due to sunlight, which can lead to diseases.

    Pathya Ahara:

    • Dietary suggestions include barley (old yew), wheat, honey, and meats of jungle animals cooked in iron utensils.

    Pathya Vihara:

    • Recommends measures to pacify increased Kapha dosha through exercise, body scrub (Ubtan), and massage (trauma).
    • After bathing, advises application of camphor, agar, sandalwood, and kukum on the body.

    Dosha Avastha
    - Kapha dosha predominates in Vasanta Rutu, often in a state of aggravation (Prakopaavastha), affecting digestive fire (Kayagni).

    - Kayagni is diminished (Mandagni) during Vasanta Rutu due to aggravated Kapha, necessitating dietary adjustments.

    - Individuals are expected to have moderate strength (Madhyamabala) during this season.

    Pathya Ahara
    - Charaka Samhita: Recommends light and easily digestible foods like barley (Yava), wheat (Godhuma), and meats of wild animals (Sarabha, Sasa, Ena, Lava, Kapinjala, Vishkira).
    - Sushruta Samhita: Advocates for strong, dry, pungent, alkali, astringent, hot, and solid foods, along with beverages like boiled water with Shunti (Sringaverambu), honey-water (Madhvambu), Musta-water (Jaladhambu), and Asana Chandanadi drugs-water (Sarambu).
    - Other texts: Similar recommendations of light, strong, dry, bitter, and pungent foods, emphasizing barley, wheat, honey, and meats of wild animals.

    Pathya Vihara
    - All texts emphasize regular exercise (Vyayama) like wrestling and walking barefoot.

    Apathya Ahara
    - Avoid heavy, oily, sour, and sweet foods, curds, fats, and foods that are hard to digest.

    Apathya Vihara
    - Strictly avoid daytime sleeping (divaswapna).

    Panchakarma Procedure
    - Vamana: Therapeutic emesis to expel excess Kapha.
    - Shirovirechana / Nasya: Nasal cleansing procedures.
    - Niruha Basti: Decoction enema recommended in Vasanta Ritu.
    - Other procedures: Udwartana (body massage), Lepa (application), and specific cleansing techniques like Gandusha (gargling) and Dhoomapana (smoking).

    - Emphasizes the importance of following seasonal regimens (Ritucharya) to maintain body homeostasis and prevent lifestyle disorders.
    - Recommends Vaman procedure to balance aggravated Kapha during Vasanta Rutu.
    - Highlights the role of Vasanta Ritu in maintaining physical and mental health by addressing imbalances, particularly excess Pitta dosha.

    This structured presentation ensures all information is retained without reducing any content, providing a comprehensive overview of Vasanta Ritucharya from various classical texts.

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