Rutu Charya for Varsha

Rutu Charya Details

  • Varsha: Bhadrapada, Shravana

    Varsha Ritu: Seasonal Regimen for Monsoon (Mid-July to Mid-September)

    General Conditions of the Body:
    - Duration: Mid-July to mid-September is considered Varsha Ritu.
    - Climate: Sky covered with clouds, rains without thunderstorms, water bodies like ponds and rivers are filled.
    - Dominant Rasa (Taste) and Mahabhuta (Elements): Amla (Sour), Prithvi (Earth), and Agni (Fire).
    - Dosha Imbalance: Vitiation of Vata Dosha, deposition of Pitta Dosha, and vitiated Agni (Digestive Fire).
    - Body Strength: Decreases during this season.

    Dietary Regimen:
    - Taste and Qualities: Include foods with Amla (Sour) and Lavana (Salty) tastes, and Sneha (Oily) qualities.
    - Recommended Foods:
      - Cereals: Old barley, rice, wheat.
      - Soups: Meat soups, Yusha (herbal soups).
      - Medicated water or boiled water for drinking; avoid river water and excessively watery preparations.
      - Avoid heavy and hard-to-digest foods like meat.
    Lifestyle Regimen:
    - Bathing: Use boiled water for bathing, followed by proper oil application on the body.
    - Medicated Basti (Enema): Recommended as a detoxification measure to expel vitiated Doshas.
    - Avoid: Getting wet in the rain, daytime sleeping, excessive physical exercise, hard work, sexual indulgence, exposure to wind, and staying near riverbanks.

    Following these guidelines for Varsha Ritu helps in maintaining balance during the monsoon season, focusing on dietary adjustments and lifestyle practices to mitigate the effects of Dosha imbalances and weather-related challenges.

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