Rutu Charya for Hemanta

Rutu Charya Details

  • Hemanta: Pausha, Margashirsha

    Hemanta Ritu: Seasonal Regimen for Late Autumn (November to January)

    General Conditions of the Body:
    1. Dominant Rasa (Taste): Madhura (Sweet).
    2. Dominant Mahabhoota (Elements): Prithvi (Earth) and Ap (Water) Mahabhoota.
    3. Dominant Guna (Qualities): Snigdha (Oily), Sheeta (Cold), and Guru (Heavy).
    4. Dosha (Bioenergy): Pitta pacifying (Pitta Prashamana).
    5. Deha Bala (Body Strength): Pravara (Maximum strength).
    6. Agni Bala (Digestive Fire): Pravara (Maximum digestive fire).

    Ahara (Dietary Regimens):
    - Hemanta Ritu has longer nights and shorter days compared to Grishma Ritu (summer), leading to increased hunger in the morning.
    - Start the day with:
      - Anoop Mamsa (lean meats),
      - Ikshu rasa (sugarcane juice),
      - Snigdha (oily), Amla (sour), and Lavana (salty) foods,
      - Sura (liquor) prepared with molasses and rice flour,
      - Pastries made from wheat,
      - Masha (black gram),
      - New grains (Navamannam),
      - Dairy products.

    Viharas (Lifestyle Regimens):
    - Vyayama (Exercise): Engage in daily exercise.
    - Snana (Bathing): Bathe daily with water prepared with Kashaya (decoction).
    - Application of Saffron Paste: Use saffron paste on the body.
    - Agaru Dhupana (Incense Fumigation): Use Agarbatti (incense sticks) for fumigation.
    - Yukyarkakiranaan (Sun Exposure): Regular exposure to sunlight.
    - Wear Shoes: Protect yourself from cold by wearing shoes.
    - Vyavaya (Sexual Pleasure): Indulge in sexual activities.
    - Residing in Underground Cellar: Stay in warm places like underground cellars.
    - Niyuddha (Wrestling): Practice wrestling for physical activity.

    Other Viharas:
    - Abhyanga (Oil Massage): Perform oil massage.
    - Jentaka Sweda: Use steam baths.
    - Oil Application on Head: Apply oil to the head.

    Apathya Viharas (Avoidable Practices):
    - Divasvapna (Daytime Sleep): Avoid daytime sleeping.
    - Avoid Cold Winds: Protect yourself from exposure to cold winds.

    This regimen for Hemanta Ritu is designed to maintain balance in the body, considering the dominant qualities of the season such as cold and heaviness, and emphasizing foods and activities that support digestion, warmth, and strength. Following these guidelines helps to ensure health and vitality during late autumn.

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