Rutu Charya for Grishma

Rutu Charya Details

  • Grishma: Ashadha, Jyeshtha

    Greeshma Ritu (Summer) Ayurvedic Regimen

    Greeshma Ritu, or summer, spans from mid-May to mid-July. It is characterized by intense heat, drying winds, and diminished water bodies. This season witnesses a decrease in Kapha dosha and an increase in Vata dosha, while the digestive fire (Agni) remains mild. To maintain health during this period, specific dietary and lifestyle practices are recommended.

    General Features
    - Predominant Rasa: Katu (pungent)
    - Predominant Guna: Ruksha (dry), Laghu (light), Ushna (hot)
    - Effect on Dosha: Decrease in Kapha, increase in Vata
    - Body Strength (Deha Bala): Minimum
    - Digestive Strength (Agni Bala): Minimum

    Environmental Characteristics
    - Sun Intensity: Very intense
    - Wind: South-westerly and unpleasant
    - Earth: Heated
    - Rivers: Light with little streams
    - Flora and Fauna: Shrubs, grasses, and climbers dry up; leafless trees; Cakravaka birds move in search of water

    Diet Recommendations

    Beneficial Foods
    - Cereals: Madhura (sweet) Rasa and Laghu (light) Guna.
    - Snigdha (unctuous) and Sheeta (cool) Guna: Include foods like rice, lentils, ghee, milk, and buttermilk.
    - Drava Padartha (Liquid Preparations): Such as fruit juices, meat soups (not overly concentrated), and well-shaken curd mixed with sugar and pepper.
    - Sakthu: Mixture of roasted barley flour and sugar taken after a cold bath.
    - Sweet, Sour, and Salty Syrups: Like Raaga.
    - Fruit Juices and Panaka: Such as mango, pomegranate, coconut water, and Panchasara Panaka.
    - Vegetables: Cucumbers, melons, leafy greens.
    - Herbal Drinks: Infusions of mint, coriander, and fennel.
    - Water: Stored in mud pots and mixed with camphor.
    - Buffalo Milk: Taken at night mixed with sugar and cooled by moonlight and stars.

    Foods to Avoid
    - Lavana (Salty), Katu (Pungent), and Amla (Sour): Increase body heat and aggravate Pitta.
    - Heavy, Spicy, and Fried Foods: Difficult to digest and produce internal heat.
    - Alcohol: Dehydrates and heats the body; if consumed, it should be diluted with water.
    - Hot Beverages: Such as tea and coffee.
    - Overeating and Skipping Breakfast: Can disrupt digestion and metabolism.
    - Ice Cream and High-Calorie Foods: Can hamper metabolism.
    - Carbonated and Soft Drinks: Contain preservatives, colors, and sugars that act as diuretics.
    - Vegetables Producing Heat: Such as spinach, radish, hot peppers, onion, garlic, and beetroot.
    - Dried Fruits: Produce heat in the body.

    Water Consumption
    - Very Cold Water: Preferably stored in mud pots for natural cooling.
    - Scented Water: With cooling herbs like Ushira and Khaskhas.
    - Frequent Hydration: Drink water regularly to maintain hydration, even when not feeling thirsty.

    External Applications and Lifestyle
    - Sandalwood Paste: Apply to the body for cooling effects.
    - Light Clothing: Wear thin, breathable fabrics to stay cool.
    - Daytime Nap: Helps counteract the shorter nights and prevent fatigue.
    - Avoid Excessive Physical Activity: Limit exercise to avoid overheating and exhaustion.
    - Stay Indoors: Prefer cool, shaded environments and avoid direct sun exposure.
    - Nighttime Routine: Sleep on a terrace, if possible, to benefit from cooler air and moonlight.
    - Cool Baths: Take baths with cool water to refresh and reduce body heat.
    - Body Anointed with Sandalwood: Enhances cooling.

    Avoid During Summer
    - Physical Exercise: Strenuous activities can overheat the body.
    - Hot Foods: Warm and spicy foods should be minimized.
    - Sexual Activity: Excessive indulgence can lead to heat generation.
    - Exposure to Sunrays: Particularly between 10 am and 4 pm.

    Common Summer Health Issues and Prevention

    1. Dehydration: Ensure adequate fluid intake, including water, coconut water, and ORS.
    2. Sunburn: Use sunscreen, wear protective clothing, and avoid peak sun hours.
    3. Heat Strokes: Stay hydrated, avoid outdoor activities during peak heat, and rest in cool places.
    4. Allergies: Minimize exposure to allergens and use appropriate preventive measures.
    5. Fungal Infections: Maintain good hygiene, wear clean clothes, and avoid prolonged dampness.
    6. Prickly Heat: Keep cool, bathe regularly, and avoid tight clothing.
    7. Skin Rashes: Wear loose, breathable clothing and maintain hygiene.
    8. Insect Bites: Use repellents and protective measures to avoid bites.
    9. Decreased Agni and Bala: Adapt diet and lifestyle to maintain digestive and physical strength.

    Herbal Formulations
    - Draksha Arishtam: Beneficial for reducing heat and balancing doshas.
    - Kshirabala Oil: Useful for external application to cool and soothe the skin.
    - Eladi and Nilibhringadi Coconut Oils: Good for cooling and nourishing the scalp and body.
    - Pravala Bhasma Capsules: Help in reducing body heat and balancing Pitta.
    - Shatavaryadi Ghritam: Supports hydration and nourishment.
    - Satadhouta Ghritam (Lami tube): Useful for topical application to soothe heat-induced skin conditions.
    - Drakshadi Kwatham Tablets: Helps in balancing Pitta and providing cooling effects.

    Greeshma Ritucharya emphasizes adapting to the intense summer heat by focusing on a cooling diet and lifestyle. By following these Ayurvedic recommendations, one can maintain health, prevent dehydration, and mitigate the adverse effects of the summer season. This approach aligns with the Ayurvedic principle of balancing the body's doshas in harmony with environmental changes.

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