Rutu Charya for Sharad

Rutu Charya Details

  • Sharad: Kartika, Ashwin

    Sharad Ritu: Seasonal Regimen for Autumn (Approximately October to November)

    General Conditions of the Body:
    - Duration: Sharad Ritu spans approximately from October to November.
    - Climate: The sky is covered with blue and white clouds. The earth becomes slightly muddy. Sun rays are sharp and incisive, giving the earth a reddish-brown appearance. The environment becomes pure and clean, with crane birds flying in rows. Shali Dhanya cultivation beautifies the land. Kash, Saptaparna, and lotus flowers bloom, and lakes have high waves due to fishes and swans.
    - Impact on Body: After the cold of Varsha Ritu, the body adapts to the heat of the sun in Sharad Ritu, exacerbating accumulated Pitta.

    - Definition and Use: Water purified by the sun's rays during the day and cooled by moonlight at night. Known as Hansodak due to its purity akin to nectar. Recommended for drinking, bathing, and swimming during Sharad Ritu.

    Status of Agni (Digestive Fire) in Sharad Ritu:
    - Effect of Pitta: Pitta dominance during Sharad Ritu leads to Agni mandya (diminished digestive fire). Excessive Pitta aggravates Agni, akin to how pouring hot water extinguishes fire.

    Dietary Regimen (Aahara):
    - Tastes (Rasa): Consume foods with Tikta (Bitter), Madhura (Sweet), and Kashaya (Astringent) tastes.
    - Qualities (Guna): Prefer Sheeta (Cooling) and Laghu (Light) qualities in food.
    - Recommended Foods:
      - Cereals: Shaali rice, wheat, barley, and Sathi rice.
      - Pulses: Mung beans and other legumes.
      - Fruits and Vegetables: Amlaki (Indian gooseberry), Draksha (grapes), Patola (pointed gourd).
      - Non-vegetarian: Meat of wild animals like deer, rabbit, and bird species.
      - Ideal fluids: Hansodak, sugar dissolved water, and honey.

    Lifestyle Regimen (Vihara):
    - Body Care: Anoint with paste of Chandana (sandalwood), Ushira (Vetiver), and Karpura (Camphor).
    - Attire: Wear garlands of pearls, light-colored and clean clothes.
    - Housing: Reside in houses painted with lime.
    - Night Routine: Absorb cooling moon rays in the late evening.

    Panchakarma Procedures:
    - Virechan: Recommended to eliminate vitiated Pitta Dosha through purgation, enhancing digestion and absorption.
    - Raktamokshan: Bloodletting to purify vitiated blood, addressing Pitta-related skin disorders.

    Contraindicated Diet and Lifestyle (Apathya):
    - Foods to Avoid: Fatty and oily foods, fish, pork, alkaline foods, curd, and strong alcohol.
    - Behavioral Restrictions: Avoid excessive eating, prolonged sun exposure, dew exposure, east winds, daytime sleeping, night awakening, and sexual intercourse.

    Discussion and Conclusion:
    - Importance of Ritucharya: Following seasonal regimens like Sharad Ritu helps maintain doshic balance, prevent health disorders, and adapt to environmental changes.
    - Transitioning with Ritusandhi: Last 7 days of Sharad Ritu and first 7 days of Hemanta Ritu (winter) require gradual dietary and lifestyle changes to adapt smoothly.
    - Health Benefits: Proper Ritucharya promotes equilibrium of Doshas, fostering overall health and well-being according to ancient Ayurvedic principles.

    By adhering to these guidelines of Sharad Ritu, individuals can effectively manage their health and well-being during the transition from the hot season to the colder months ahead.