Ayurveda Prakruti Finding Test

Introduction to Ayurveda Prakruti (Finding your Body Type)

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Ayurveda, one of the oldest health sciences in the world, is built on the core philosophy of Tridosha and Prakriti. Prakriti refers to the unique morphological, physiological, and psychological expression of an individual. By understanding the unique combination of the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—Ayurveda offers personalized guidelines related to Ahara (food), Vihar (habits), and Vichar (thoughts) that form the basis of one’s lifestyle.

Concept of Prakriti

According to the Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Prakriti is derived from three letters: Pra, Kri, and Ti. "Pra" stands for Prakrashta Guna, or superior quality (Satva), "Kri" for moderate quality (Rajas), and "Ti" for Tamas. Together, they signify the superior creation, indicating the best of creation—Prakriti.

  1. Prakriti and Health: Prakriti plays a crucial role in predicting individual susceptibility to diseases, determining the prognosis of illnesses, and guiding the selection of appropriate therapies.
  2. Conception and Lifetime: Prakriti is determined at the time of conception according to the predominance of doshas and remains consistent throughout an individual's life. It influences physical and mental characteristics, including immunity, health status, and reproductive capacity.
  3. Types of Prakriti: There are seven types of Prakriti according to Tridosha:
    1. Vataja
    2. Pittaja
    3. Kaphaja 
    4. Vata Pittaja
    5. Vata Kaphaja
    6. Pitta Kaphaja
    7. Samadoshaja

Importance of Prakriti

  1. For Health Purpose:

    • Development and Behavior: Prakriti influences body development, complexion, behavior, immunity, reproductive capacity, and overall health status.
    • Diet and Regimen: Knowledge of Prakriti helps in choosing appropriate Ahara (food) and daily regimens that maintain health and prevent diseases.
    • Agni and Kostha: Prakriti affects digestive fire (Agni) and bowel habits (Kostha), thereby guiding dietary and lifestyle choices for optimal health.
    • Longevity and Strength: Different Prakritis, such as Vatala, have specific implications for strength and lifespan.
  2. For Treatment Purpose:

    • Disease Prognosis: Understanding Prakriti aids in diagnosing diseases and predicting their outcomes. Acharya Charaka states that diseases are more easily curable (Sukhasadhya) if the responsible dosha is not aligned with the individual's Prakriti.

Importance of Ahara (Food)

  • Foundation of Life: Ahara, or food, is considered the basis of life, providing nourishment, strength, complexion, ojas (vitality), and development.
  • Greatest Medicament: As per Kashyapacarya, food is the ultimate medicine (Mahabhesaja), essential for sustaining life even more than traditional medications.
  • Comprehensive Benefits: Proper diet influences growth, sensory clarity, happiness, voice clarity, intellectual development, and overall health.

Ayurveda emphasizes that lifestyle-related disorders often manifest when individuals follow regimens opposite to their Prakriti. This indicates that aligning one's lifestyle with their Prakriti is crucial for maintaining health and preventing diseases.

Prakriti Parikshan: Discover Your Ayurveda Body Type

Your Prakriti is determined at the time of conception and remains fixed throughout your life. It reflects the unique combination of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha present at the time of your conception. Understanding your Prakriti is essential because it influences how you react to various environments and stimuli, making you unique.

However, your current condition, known as Vikruti, can vary due to interactions with the environment. Ideally, your Vikruti should align closely with your Prakriti for optimal health. Discrepancies between the two indicate imbalances, potentially leading to illness.

The Prakriti Parikshan (Ayurveda Prakriti Finding Test) helps you identify your unique constitution. By answering a series of questions, you will discover your Prakriti and receive a recommended lifestyle and diet plan to maintain your health according to Ayurveda.

Start your Prakriti Parikshan now to uncover your Ayurveda body type and embark on a journey towards a healthier, balanced life.