Frequent Nosebleeds (Nasa Raktasrava)

Frequent Nosebleeds (Nasa Raktasrava)

Frequent nosebleeds, known as Nasa Raktasrava in Ayurveda, occur due to the rupture of small blood vessels inside the nose. This condition can be associated with Pitta imbalance, which governs heat in the body. When Pitta becomes aggravated, it can cause excessive heat, leading to the rupture of delicate blood vessels. Although a single occurrence is common, frequent episodes may require attention and treatment to restore balance.


  • Aggravation of Pitta Dosha: Excessive heat or inflammation in the body, typically due to:

    • Exposure to hot weather or environments.
    • Consumption of Pitta-aggravating foods such as spicy, sour, and salty items.
    • Overexposure to the sun or heat.
    • High fever or infection.
  • Dryness and Irritation in Nasal Passages:

    • Excessive dryness due to cold weather, air conditioning, or dehumidified air.
    • Use of nasal sprays or medications that dry the nasal mucosa.
    • Pollution and exposure to chemicals or allergens that irritate the nasal lining.
  • Trauma or Injury: Blowing the nose forcefully, frequent nose picking, or injuries to the nose can result in nosebleeds.

  • Chronic Conditions: Some systemic conditions like hypertension or bleeding disorders may lead to frequent nosebleeds.

  • Weak Blood Vessels: Fragile blood vessels in the nasal lining, often exacerbated by Pitta imbalance, can rupture easily.


  1. Panchakarma Therapy:

    • Raktamokshana (bloodletting therapy): Helps reduce excess Pitta and detoxify the blood.
    • Nasya (nasal administration of Panchyagavya Nasal Drops or medicated oils): Nourishes and soothes the nasal mucosa, reducing dryness and preventing frequent bleeding.
  2. Dietary Recommendations:

    • Favor cooling, sweet, and hydrating foods to calm Pitta dosha.
    • Include foods like cucumber, watermelon, and coconut water.
    • Avoid hot, spicy, oily, and sour foods, which can aggravate Pitta.
    • Increase intake of fresh, cooling herbs like coriander, mint, and fennel.
  3. Herbal Remedies:

    • Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry): A powerful Pitta-pacifying herb rich in Vitamin C, which strengthens blood vessels and prevents bleeding.
    • Sandalwood: Has a cooling effect and is often used in pastes or oil forms for Pitta conditions.
    • Licorice (Yashtimadhu): Soothes the mucosa and reduces inflammation in the nasal passages.
    • Vasaka (Adhatoda): Used for respiratory conditions and helps prevent excessive bleeding.
    • Durva Grass: Has styptic properties, effective in controlling bleeding.
  4. External Applications:

    • Applying a cooling paste made of Sandalwood and Rose Water on the forehead and nose helps soothe Pitta and reduce bleeding.
    • Drops of Ghee (clarified butter) in the nostrils can provide relief by moisturizing the nasal passages and preventing further bleeding.
  5. Lifestyle Modifications:

    • Stay hydrated and avoid exposure to excessive heat.
    • Use a humidifier to prevent dryness in the air, especially in cold or air-conditioned environments.
    • Avoid overexertion and stressful activities, as they can aggravate Pitta and lead to nosebleeds.
    • Protect the nose from trauma or injury.
  6. Pranayama (Breathing Exercises):

    • Sheetali Pranayama (Cooling Breath): Helps cool the body and mind, balancing Pitta dosha.
    • Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing): Balances the doshas and calms the mind, reducing stress-induced nosebleeds.

By following a Pitta-pacifying lifestyle, diet, and treatment regimen, Ayurveda aims to address the root causes of frequent nosebleeds and promote healing by balancing the doshas, particularly Pitta.

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