Excessive Salivation

Excessive Salivation

Excessive salivation, is often linked to an imbalance in Kapha dosha, which governs the body's fluids, including saliva. Excessive Kapha can lead to an overproduction of saliva, causing discomfort, frequent swallowing, or drooling. While saliva plays a critical role in digestion and oral health, its overproduction can indicate a deeper imbalance in the body.


  • Aggravation of Kapha Dosha: Since Kapha controls the fluid balance in the body, an increase in Kapha can cause excess saliva production. This can be triggered by:

    • Eating Kapha-aggravating foods such as dairy, sweets, and heavy, oily, or cold foods.
    • Seasonal changes, especially during Varsha Ritu (monsoon season), when Kapha is naturally dominant.
    • Indigestion or weak digestive fire (Agni), leading to the accumulation of mucus and fluids.
  • Weak Digestive Fire (Mandagni): Poor digestion due to sluggish Agni (digestive fire) can cause excess salivation, especially when the body struggles to break down food properly.

  • Oral Conditions: Issues like mouth infections, gum disease, or ulcers can trigger excessive salivation as the body’s natural response to protect and heal the oral cavity.

  • Neurological or Systemic Disorders: Sometimes, excessive salivation may be linked to conditions affecting the nervous system, such as Parkinson’s disease, or systemic issues like liver disorders.

  • Pregnancy: Some women experience increased saliva production during pregnancy, possibly due to hormonal changes or nausea.

  • Medication Side Effects: Certain medications may cause increased salivation as a side effect.


  1. Panchakarma Therapy:

    • Vamana (therapeutic vomiting) can help expel excess Kapha from the body, particularly in cases where excessive mucus or fluids are present.
    • Nasya (nasal administration of medicated oils) can help reduce Kapha buildup in the head and throat region.
  2. Dietary Recommendations:

    • Favor light, dry, and warm foods to reduce Kapha.
    • Avoid heavy, cold, and mucus-forming foods such as dairy, sugar, and fried items.
    • Include warming spices such as ginger, cumin, turmeric, black pepper, and cloves in the diet to stimulate digestion and dry up excess mucus.
    • Drink warm water or herbal teas (like ginger or cinnamon tea) to support digestion and reduce Kapha.
  3. Herbal Remedies:

    • Trikatu: A combination of black pepper, long pepper, and ginger that helps boost digestion and reduce Kapha, controlling excessive saliva production.
    • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula): Known for its Kapha-reducing properties, Haritaki helps balance fluids and strengthens digestion.
    • Pippali (Long Pepper): Stimulates digestion and reduces the production of excessive fluids.
    • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia): A versatile herb that balances all three doshas, particularly helpful in reducing Kapha and improving digestion.
    • Musta (Cyperus rotundus): Improves digestive fire and balances Kapha.
  4. External Applications:

    • Gargling with Triphala or Turmeric water can help improve oral health and reduce excessive salivation caused by oral infections or inflammation.
  5. Lifestyle Modifications:

    • Avoid sleeping during the day, as this increases Kapha and may worsen excessive salivation.
    • Engage in light physical activities or yoga to stimulate digestion and balance Kapha.
    • Regularly brush your teeth with astringent herbs like neem to reduce Kapha and maintain oral hygiene.
  6. Pranayama (Breathing Exercises):

    • Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull-shining breath): Helps reduce Kapha and stimulates the digestive fire, aiding in the reduction of excessive salivation.
    • Ujjayi Pranayama (Ocean breath): Balances the doshas and helps clear excess mucus and fluids from the respiratory system.

By addressing the underlying causes of excessive salivation through a Kapha-balancing diet, herbal treatments, and lifestyle modifications, Ayurveda aims to restore harmony in the body and regulate fluid balance.

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