Burning Eye Sensation | Netra Dah

Burning Eye Sensation | Netra Dah

Burning eye sensation refers to discomfort or a feeling of heat in the eyes, often accompanied by irritation, redness, dryness, or pain


  • Aggravated Pitta dosha
  • Excessive heat or exposure to hot environments
  • Consuming spicy, oily, or sour foods
  • Overuse of digital screens leading to Pitta imbalance
  • Stress and emotional imbalance increasing internal heat
  • Lack of proper eye care or hygiene (Netra roga)
  • Excessive sun exposure without protection



Ayurvedic Treatment for Burning Eye Sensation:

  • Netra Basti (Eye Bath)

    • A treatment involving the application of ghee or herbal oil in a dough-ring around the eyes to soothe and reduce Pitta imbalance.
  • Triphala Eyewash

    • Washing the eyes with a decoction of Triphala (a blend of three fruits: Haritaki, Bibhitaki, and Amalaki) helps reduce burning and inflammation.
  • Anjana (Collyrium)

    • Applying medicinal eye ointments made from cooling herbs like Yashtimadhu (Licorice) or Chandana (Sandalwood) can relieve burning sensations.
  • Rose Water Eye Drops

    • Using natural rose water as eye drops helps to cool and refresh the eyes, reducing heat and discomfort.
  • Shirodhara

    • A therapeutic procedure where medicated oil is poured continuously over the forehead, calming the mind and reducing aggravated Pitta, which can help with burning eyes.
  • Nasya (Nasal Drops)

    • Plain desi cow ghee
    • Panchagavya ghee
    • Administering medicated oils like Anu Taila through the nostrils helps balance doshas and can alleviate burning eyes by addressing Pitta from within.
  • Cooling Herbal Eye Packs

    • Applying paste or packs made of cucumber, sandalwood, or aloe vera to the eyes can provide instant cooling relief.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Burning Eye Sensation:

  • Triphala Ghrita

    • A medicated ghee made from Triphala, used for eye health and to reduce Pitta aggravation, promoting cooling and soothing of the eyes.
  • Saptamrit Lauh

    • An Ayurvedic formulation containing Triphala and iron that helps improve vision, reduce eye irritation, and cool the burning sensation.
  • Chandrodaya Varti

    • A traditional collyrium (Anjana) used for eye diseases, providing relief from burning and redness in the eyes.
  • Yashtimadhu (Licorice) Powder

    • Consumed internally or applied as a paste, this herb has cooling and anti-inflammatory properties to reduce Pitta and soothe eye burning.
  • Patoladi Ghrita

    • A herbal ghee formulation used in Ayurveda for treating eye conditions and reducing burning caused by Pitta aggravation.
  • Shatavari

    • Known for its cooling and rejuvenating properties, Shatavari helps balance Pitta and can be taken internally to support eye health.
  • Chandanadi Vati

    • A herbal tablet that has cooling properties, often prescribed for Pitta disorders, including burning sensations in the eyes.
  • Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

    • Available in the form of powders, tablets, or juices, Amla is rich in Vitamin C and has cooling properties that help reduce Pitta and promote overall eye health.
  • Mahatriphala Ghrita

    • A more potent form of Triphala Ghrita, used for severe Pitta-related eye issues like burning, redness, and irritation.
  • Anu Taila (Nasal Drops)

    • Administered as part of Nasya therapy, these drops help clear toxins and balance doshas, improving eye conditions by reducing burning and inflammation.

Ayurvedic Diet for Burning Eye Sensation:

  • Include Cooling Foods:

    • Cucumber, watermelon, coconut water, and sugarcane juice are naturally cooling and help pacify Pitta dosha.
  • Increase Hydration:

    • Drink plenty of water, buttermilk, and herbal teas like fennel or coriander to keep the body cool and reduce heat.
  • Aloe Vera Juice:

    • Consuming aloe vera juice is beneficial for cooling Pitta and soothing eye-related issues.
  • Ghee Consumption:

    • Eating ghee regularly helps nourish the body and balance Pitta, providing moisture to the eyes.
  • Avoid Pitta-Aggravating Foods:

    • Stay away from spicy, sour, and oily foods that increase internal heat. Reduce intake of chilies, fried foods, fermented foods, and pickles.
  • Increase Cooling Herbs:

    • Use herbs like coriander, mint, and fennel in your meals to maintain internal cooling.
  • Sweet, Bitter, and Astringent Tastes:

    • Favor foods with sweet (like rice, milk, and ghee), bitter (like bitter gourd), and astringent (like lentils and pomegranates) tastes, which balance Pitta dosha.

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