HPC -2 : Viruddha Anna or incompatible diet


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Viruddha Anna or incompatible diet

Health Penal Code - 2

Certain diets and their combinations having properties opposite to the Dhatus (body tissues) which thereby inhibit and interrupt to the processes of formation and metabolism of the body tissues are described in Ayurveda as Viruddha Ahara (incompatible diets). 


Health Penal Code - 2

Here's the complete information regarding Viruddha Ahara, including examples for each type as described in Ayurvedic texts:

Introduction to Viruddha Ahara:
Ayurveda, the ancient medical science of healing, emphasizes the importance of wholesome diet (Hita Ahara) for maintaining health and preventing diseases. Viruddha Ahara refers to incompatible food combinations or dietary practices that can disrupt the body's balance and lead to various health issues. Ayurvedic literature categorizes Viruddha Ahara into different types based on factors such as place, time, digestive power, quantity, and nature of the food.

Types of Viruddha Ahara:

1. Desha Viruddha (Geographical Incompatibility):
   - Example: Consuming dry and acute (Tikshna) substances in arid regions (Maru desha) or consuming cold and oily (Snigdha) substances in marshy regions (Anoopa desha).

2. Kala Viruddha (Seasonal Incompatibility):
   - Example: Eating pungent (Katu) and hot (Ushna) substances during hot seasons (Grishma, Sharada Ritus) or consuming cold and dry (Sheet and Ruksha) substances during cold seasons (Hemanta, Shishira Ritus).

3. Agni Viruddha (Digestive Power Incompatibility):
   - Example: Consuming heavy-to-digest (Guru) foods when there is low digestive power (Mandagni) or consuming light-to-digest (Laghu) foods when the digestive power is strong (Tikshnagni).

4. Matra Viruddha (Quantity Incompatibility):
   - Example: Consuming honey and ghee in equal quantities or consuming honey and cold water in equal proportions, leading to digestive disturbances.

5. Satmya Viruddha (Individual Habituation Incompatibility):
   - Example: Consuming sweet and cold substances by individuals habituated to spicy and hot foods or vice versa, leading to digestive discomfort.

6. Dosha Viruddha (Constitutional Incompatibility):
   - Example: Consuming foods or drugs with qualities similar to a particular dosha but opposite to an individual's constitution, leading to dosha imbalance.

7. Sanskar Viruddha (Preparation Incompatibility):
   - Example: Heating honey or overcooking food, leading to alteration of properties and creation of toxins.

8. Veerya Viruddha (Potency Incompatibility):
   - Example: Combining hot (Ushna) and cold (Sheet) potency substances, such as consuming fish (Ushna) with milk (Sheet), leading to digestive disturbances.

9. Koshtha Viruddha (Bowel Nature Incompatibility):
   - Example: Administering a mild purgative to someone with hard stools (Krura koshta) or a strong purgative to someone with soft stools.

10. Avastha Viruddha (Condition Incompatibility):
    - Example: Consuming Vata-aggravating foods after physical exertion or Kapha-aggravating foods after sleep, leading to imbalances.

11. Kram Viruddha (Sequence Incompatibility):
    - Example: Consuming curd at night or consuming hot water immediately after consuming honey, leading to digestive disturbances.

12. Parihar Viruddha (Antidote Incompatibility):
    - Example: Consuming hot foods after consuming cooling foods or consuming cold water after consuming hot tea, leading to digestive disturbances.

13. Upachar Viruddha (Therapeutic Incompatibility):
    - Example: Taking cold substances after consuming ghee or consuming hot water after consuming honey, leading to digestive disturbances.

14. Paaka Viruddha (Cooking Incompatibility):
    - Example: Cooking food with bad fuel or undercooking/overcooking, leading to improper digestion and production of toxins.

15. Sanyoga Viruddha (Combination Incompatibility):
    - Example: Mixing sour substances with milk or combining incompatible foods like fruit salad with milk and banana, leading to digestive disturbances.

16. Hriday Viruddha (Individual Preference Incompatibility):
    - Example: Consuming foods disliked by the individual, leading to mental aversion and digestive disturbances.

17. Sampad Viruddha (Quality Incompatibility):
    - Example: Consuming immature or overripe fruits, leading to digestive discomfort or imbalances.

18. Vidhi Viruddha (Rule Incompatibility):
    - Example: Eating food in public or violating dietary rules, leading to mental stress and disturbances.

These examples illustrate how various dietary practices and food combinations can be considered incompatible according to Ayurvedic principles, potentially leading to imbalances and health issues if not addressed properly. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of proper food combining and dietary practices to maintain health and prevent diseases.

Diseases caused by

Remedy on Viruddha Anna or incompatible diet

  1. Stop eating incompatible food
  2. Take blood purifying medicines
  3. Virechana
  4. rakt mokshna

Granthadhar | Reference book

Reference books of HPC - 2

  1. Ashtang Hruday 8.13-14

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