HPC -4 : Suppression of natural bodily urges Adharneeya Vega


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Suppression of natural bodily urges  Adharneeya Vega

Health Penal Code - 4

Adharneeya Vega refers to the natural bodily urges that should not be suppressed, according to Ayurvedic principles. These urges are essential for maintaining the balance of the body’s doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and overall health. The suppression of these urges can lead to various physical and psychological disorders.


Health Penal Code - 4

1. Mutra Vega Dharan(Suppression of Urge to Urinate)

  • Definition: The suppression of natural urge to pass urine.
  • Consequences of Suppression:
    • Basti Shoola: Pain in the urinary bladder.
    • Shiro Rujah: Headache.
    • Vinama: Bending of the body forward due to discomfort.
    • Anaha in Vangshana Pradhesh: Distention in the groin region.
    • Mutra Kruchcha: Difficulty in urination.
    • Anga Banga: Body pain.
    • Mutra Ashmari: Formation of urinary calculi (stones).
    • Udavarta: Discomfort caused by upward movement of Vata.
    • Alpa Alpa Mutrata: Incomplete urination, leading to urinary retention and constipation.
    • Psychological disorders: Increased levels of neurohormones such as catecholamines due to suppression can lead to psychological disorders.

2. Purisha Vega Dharan(Suppression of Urge to Defecate)

  • Definition: The suppression of natural urge to pass stool.
  • Consequences of Suppression:
    • Pakwashaya Shool: Pain in the large intestine.
    • Shiroshool: Headache.
    • Purish Aapravarthanam: Obstruction of stool passage.
    • Vata Apravarthanam: Obstruction of flatus.
    • Pindiko Dveshtana: Pain in the calf muscles.
    • Hypertension, hemorrhoids, dermatological issues, acid reflux, headache, diminished vision: Long-term suppression can lead to these conditions.

3. Retas Vega Dharan(Suppression of Urge for Ejaculation)

  • Definition: The suppression of natural urge for ejaculation or sexual release.
  • Consequences of Suppression:
    • Medhra Vrushan Shool: Pain and swelling in the penis and testicles.
    • Angamarda: General body pain.
    • Hrudivyatha: Discomfort in the heart region.
    • Jwara: Fever.
    • Mutra Vibaddhatha: Obstruction in urination.
    • Shukra Ashmari: Formation of seminal calculi.
    • Sravanam: Oozing of semen.
    • Shwayathu: Swelling in the genital region.
    • Vruddhi: Hernia.
    • Shandatha: Impotency.
    • Nervous diseases: Such as psychological maldevelopment and neurosis.

4. Apanavayu Vega Dharan(Suppression of Urge to Pass Flatus)

  • Definition: The suppression of natural urge to pass gas.
  • Consequences of Suppression:
    • Udavarta: Painful upward movement of Vata in the abdomen.
    • Aadhmanam: Distension of the abdomen.
    • Klama: Debility and fatigue.
    • Mala Avrodha: Obstruction in the passage of flatus and feces.
    • Mutra Rodha: Urinary retention.
    • Koshtashool: Abdominal pain.
    • Dushtivadha: Diminished or loss of vision.
    • Agninaash: Loss of appetite.
    • Hridyaroga: Heart diseases.

5. Vamana Vega Dharan(Suppression of Urge to Vomit)

  • Definition: The suppression of natural urge to vomit, which is a reflex to expel toxins from the stomach.
  • Consequences of Suppression:
    • Visarpa: Erysipelas (bacterial skin infection) or pruritus.
    • Kotha: Urticaria or rash.
    • Kandu: Itching all over the body.
    • Aruchi: Anorexia.
    • Vyanga: Dark patches on the face.
    • Shotha: Oedema or swelling.
    • Pandu: Anemia.
    • Jwara: Fever.
    • Kushta: Various skin diseases.
    • Hrillas: Nausea.

6. Kshvathu Vega Dharan(Suppression of Urge to Sneeze)

  • Definition: A suppression of protective reflex to expel irritants from the nasal cavity.
  • Consequences of Suppression:
    • Manyasthamba: Stiffness of the neck.
    • Shirah Shula: Headache.
    • Ardita: Facial paralysis.
    • Ardhavabhedhaka: Partial headache (migraine).
    • Durbalatha of Indriya: Weakness of sensory organs.
    • Severe consequences: Such as rupture of the diaphragm, ear drum injury, or deafness.

7. Udgara Vega Dharan(Suppression of Urge to Belch)

  • Definition: The suppression of natural urge to expel gas from the stomach through the esophagus and mouth.
  • Consequences of Suppression:
    • Hikka: Hiccup.
    • Shwasa: Dyspnoea (difficulty breathing).
    • Aruchi: Anorexia.
    • Kampa: Tremors.
    • Vibhanda: Constipation.
    • Hrdhayo Raso Sthamba: Stiffening sensation in the chest region.
    • Adhmana: Bloating.
    • Kasa: Cough.

8. Jrumbha Vega Dharan(Suppression of Urge to Yawn)

  • Definition: A suppression of reflex characterized by deep inhalation through a widely opened mouth, often induced by fatigue or drowsiness.
  • Consequences of Suppression:
    • Vinama: Bending of the body.
    • Akshepa: Convulsions.
    • Sankocha: Contraction of the body.
    • Supti: Numbness.
    • Sthamba: Neck stiffness.
    • Pravepna: Shivering of the body.

9. Kshudha Vega Dharan(Suppression of Urge of Hunger)

  • Definition: The suppression of natural urge to eat when the body needs nourishment.
  • Consequences of Suppression:
    • Krushata: Emaciation.
    • Daurbalya: General weakness.
    • Vaivarnyata: Discoloration of the skin.
    • Tandra: Malaise.
    • Angamarda: Body ache.
    • Aruchi: Anorexia.
    • Bhrama: Giddiness.
    • Glani: Debility.
    • Shula: Abdominal pain.

10. Pipasa Vega Dharan(Suppression of Urge of Thirst)

  • Definition: The suppression of natural urge to drink water when the body needs hydration.
  • Consequences of Suppression:
    • Kanta Shosha: Dryness of throat and mouth.
    • Bhadirya: Deafness.
    • Sada: Exhaustion.
    • Hrda Vyatha: Discomfort in the chest.
    • Shrama: Tiredness.
    • Sammoha: Loss of consciousness.
    • Bhrama: Dizziness.

11. Bashpa Vega Dharan(Suppression of Urge to Cry)

  • Definition: The suppression of natural urge to shed tears, usually in response to emotions or eye irritation.
  • Consequences of Suppression:
    • Akshi and Shiro Roga: Eye and head-related diseases.
    • Prathishyaya: Common cold.
    • Aruchi: Anorexia.
    • Bhrama: Dizziness.
    • Gulma: Abdominal tumors.
    • Heart disease: Emotional suppression can lead to heart issues.
    • Mental health issues: Such as depression, irritation, and frustration.

12. Shrama Janya Shwasa Vega Dharan(Suppression of Urge of Breath on Exertion)

  • Definition: The suppression of natural urge to take deep breaths after physical exertion.
  • Consequences of Suppression:
    • Gulma: Abdominal tumors.
    • Hridroga: Heart diseases.
    • Sanmoha: Fainting and delusions.
    • Respiratory disorders: Over time, this suppression can lead to serious respiratory issues.

13. Kasa Vega Dharan(Suppression of Urge to Cough)

  • Definition: The suppression of natural urge to expel irritants from the respiratory tract through coughing.
  • Consequences of Suppression:
    • Shosha: Emaciation.
    • Hidhma: Hiccup.
    • Hrudhamaya: Cardiac disorders.
    • Shwasa: Dyspnoea.
    • Aruchi: Anorexia.

Each of these urges plays a crucial role in maintaining the body's natural balance and should not be suppressed to avoid the onset of various diseases.

Diseases caused by

Remedy on Suppression of natural bodily urges Adharneeya Vega

1. Mutra Vega (Urge to Urinate)

  • Remedies:
    • Swedana: Application of heat or fomentation.
    • Avagaha: Sitz bath or soaking in warm water.
    • Abhyanga: Oil massage.
    • Avapeedaka Sneha: Administering medicated ghee or oil.
    • Basti Karma: Enema therapy with medicated oils or decoctions.

2. Purisha Vega (Urge to Defecate)

  • Remedies:
    • Swedana: Fomentation.
    • Abhyanga: Oil massage.
    • Avagaha: Sitz bath.
    • Varti Prayoga: Use of herbal suppositories.
    • Basti Karma: Enema therapy.
    • Pramathi Annapana: Use of digestive stimulants and foods that aid bowel movement.

3. Retas Vega (Urge for Ejaculation)

  • Remedies:
    • Abhyanga: Oil massage.
    • Avagaha: Warm bath.
    • Madirapana: Consumption of mild, nourishing herbal drinks (medicated wine).
    • Shali Payasa: Consumption of milk-rice pudding.
    • Niruha Basti: Enema therapy.
    • Maithuna: Engaging in sexual activity to relieve the urge.

4. Apanavayu Vega (Urge to Pass Flatus)

  • Remedies:
    • Snehana: Oleation therapy.
    • Swedana: Fomentation.
    • Guda Varti: Use of herbal suppositories.
    • Vata Shamana Janya Ahara: Consuming a diet that pacifies Vata dosha.
    • Vatanulomaka Basti Karma: Enema therapy to regulate Vata.

5. Vamana Vega (Urge to Vomit)

  • Remedies:
    • Induced Vomiting: Encourage vomiting after consuming food to eliminate toxins.
    • Langhan: Fasting to cleanse the system.
    • Raktamokshan: Bloodletting therapy, particularly using leeches or other methods.
    • Ruksha Annapana: Consumption of dry food (without oil or butter).
    • Dhumpana: Medicated smoking therapy.
    • Vyayam: Physical exercise.
    • Virechan Karma: Purgation therapy.

6. Kshvathu Vega (Urge to Sneeze)

  • Remedies:
    • Snehan: Oleation therapy (application of oil).
    • Dhumpan: Medicated smoking.
    • Nasya: Nasal administration of medicated oils.
    • Abhyanga: Massage with oil, especially above the shoulder region.
    • Swedana: Fomentation.
    • Teekshna Dhumapana: Use of strong medicated smoke for inhalation.
    • Arkavilokana: Direct exposure to sunlight (for a short period).
    • Vatahara Ahara: Consuming a diet that pacifies Vata dosha.
    • Ghrita Sevana: Consumption of ghee after meals.

7. Udgara Vega (Urge to Belch)

  • Remedies:
    • Snehana Chikitsa: Oleation therapy, including the use of ghee.
    • Basti Karma: Enema therapy.
    • Peya, Yusha, Ksheera: Consuming thin gruels, soups, and milk.
    • Mamsarasa: Consumption of meat soups.
    • Snighdha Dhuma: Inhalation of medicated smoke.
    • Snighdha Avaleha: Consumption of nourishing herbal jams or pastes.
    • Abhyanga: Oil massage.
    • Parisheka: Pouring warm medicated liquids over the body.

8. Jrumbha Vega (Urge to Yawn)

  • Remedies:
    • Vata Dosha Chikitsa: Use of therapies and diets that alleviate Vata dosha.
    • Treatment Similar to Hikka Chikitsa: Management as recommended for hiccups, including consumption of warm, nourishing food, and fluids.

9. Kshudha Vega (Urge of Hunger)

  • Remedies:
    • Snigdha, Ushna, and Laghu Aahara: Consuming foods that are nourishing, warm, and light, which are easy to digest.

10. Pipasa Vega (Urge of Thirst)

  • Remedies:
    • Sheeta Virya Chikitsa: Use of cooling therapies and remedies.
    • Anulomana of Vata: Therapies to regulate Vata dosha.
    • Pitta Shamana Chikitsa: Therapies that pacify Pitta dosha.
    • Truna Pancha Moola Sadhita Peya, Manda, Yava Dhanyaambu: Consuming beverages made from the roots of certain grasses, rice water, and barley water.
    • Cold Comforts: Resting in a cool environment.

11. Bashpa Vega (Urge to Cry)

  • Remedies:
    • Swapana: Ensuring proper sleep.
    • Madyapana with Priya Katha: Consumption of mild alcoholic drinks while listening to soothing or pleasant stories to calm the mind.

12. Shrama Janya Shwasa Vega (Urge of Breath on Exertion)

  • Remedies:
    • Rest: Complete rest is advised.
    • Vatahara Ahara: Consuming a diet that pacifies Vata dosha.
    • Therapies for Vitiated Vata Dosha: Use of various treatments to balance Vata dosha.

13. Kasa Vega (Urge to Cough)

  • Remedies:
    • Snehana: Oleation therapy with medicated ghee or oil.
    • Snigdhayukta Peya, Yusha, Rasa: Consumption of nourishing thin gruels, soups, and meat soups.
    • Leha: Use of medicated herbal jams or pastes.
    • Dhumpana: Medicated smoking.
    • Abhyanga: Oil massage.
    • Sweda: Fomentation.
    • Parisheka: Pouring warm medicated liquids over the body.
    • Pitta Anubandha: If there is an association with Pitta dosha, consume ghee and milk.
    • Kapha Anubandha: If associated with Kapha dosha, Sneha Virechana (purgation with oils) should be administered.

These remedies aim to restore the balance of doshas and prevent the onset of diseases caused by the suppression of these natural urges.

Granthadhar | Reference book

Reference books of HPC - 4

  1. Sushruta Samhita. Uttar Sthana, 55/4, 55/32-33
  2. Charak Samhita Sutra Sthana, 7/3-4, 7/33
  3. Ashtanga Hridaya Sutra Sthana, Chapter 4, Verse No. 21  . 

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