Vyavaharika Sadvritta (Ethical codes of conduct)


  1. One should not be in a habit of postponing things at the time of action.
  2. One should not indulge in any activity without properly examining it.
  3. One should not be submissive to his senses nor should let his fickle mind move around.
  4. One should not overburden his/her intellect or senses.
  5. One should avoid procrastinating.
  6. One should not do things in a fit of anger or rejoicing.
  7. One should not be under continuous grief.
  8. One should not be conceited over achievements or desperate in loss.
  9. One should always remember his own constitution of mind (nature).
  10. One should not stay for long in the temples, sacred places, raised platforms, crossroads, gardens, cremation grounds & places of execution during nights, and should not enter a deserted house or forests alone.
  11. One should not be attached to women, friends and servants with sinful conduct, should not oppose or antagonize superior persons and be attached to inferior persons.
  12. One should not take interest in crooked things, take refuge of wicked persons and indulge in frightening/ terrorizing acts.
  13. One should have faith in the correlation of the cause and effect that is good and bad deeds and their corresponding results and should always act on it.
  14. One should not be despondent and assume that now nothing can be done.
  15. One should not lose spirit (give up courage) nor should remember his insults.

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