Sharirika Sadvritta (Physical codes of conduct).


  1. One should bath twice a day, and one should clean his excretory passages and feet frequently.
  2. Cutting of hair, shaving & nail cutting should be done thrice a fortnight.
  3. One should always wear untorn clothes, should be cheerful, and use flowers and fragrance. The attire should be gentle and style of hair should be as commonly in practice.
  4. One should apply oil to head, ear, nose, and feet daily and should resort to (healthy) smoking.
  5. One should not eat without wearing precious stones in the hand or without taking bath or while wearing torn clothes, without reciting mantras, without offering oblations to God, without offerings to the departed forefathers, teachers, guests and dependents.
  6. One should not eat without applying purifying fragrance and garland, without washing hands, feet and face, without cleaning the mouth, facing towards the north, with depressed /stressed mind, surrounded by the disloyal, undisciplined, unclean and hungry attendants, in unclean utensils or at improper place and time, in crowded surroundings, without first offering to the fire, without sprinkling
  7. with sacred water, without sanctifying it with mantras, with contemptuous disposition towards the food.
  8. One should not take contaminated meal or food which has been served by enemies or opponents.
  9. One should not take stale food (meat, salad, dry vegetables, fruit and hard eatables).
  10. One should not take curd at night. One should not consume roasted grain flour without mixing it with ghee and sugar, in the night, after meals, in large quantity, twice daily or interrupted with water intake or tearing with teeth.
  11. One should not sneeze, eat and sleep in curved position.
  12. One should not be engaged in other works while urge for the natural urges. (One should pass natural urge first and then do other works).
  13. One should not spit out sputum, pass faeces and urine in front of the winds, fire, water, the moon, the sun, Brahmins and the preceptors.
  14. One should not urinate on the road, in crowded (public) places and while taking food.
  15. One should not let out oral or nasal excreta at the time of recitation of mantras, oblation, studies, and sacrifice, religious and auspicious acts.
  16. Foot wear should be wearied as per physical structure, season and type of job.
  17. Should discontinue exercise before feeling of fatigue.
  18. The footwear should be selected as per our physical structure, geographic condition.

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