Manasika Sadvritta (Mental codes of conduct).


  1. One should not speak ill of noble persons and preceptors.
  2. One should not study when there is unseasonal lightning, houses appear as if they are burnt, during outbreak of fire, earthquake, grand festivals, fall of meteors, eclipses (solar or lunar). One should not study on a new moon day, during dawn or dusk.
  3. One should not study without being instructed by preceptor. One should not pronounce
  4. words in low, high, weak or deranged voice, without proper accents and morphological symmetry, neither too fast nor too slow, nor with excessive delay and nor with too high or too low pitch of sound.
  5. One should timely speak useful, measured, sweet & meaningful words.
  6. Should be self-controlled & virtuous
  7. One should be zealous to the cause but not be anxious about the result/outcome.
  8. One should be free from anxiety, fearless, shy (from committing bad deeds), wise, highly enthusiastic, skillful, fore bearing, religious, with positive attitude.
  9. Should be tolerant of harsh words, and should curb the practice of intolerance.
  10. Should always concentrate on the qualities of peaceful life and should be the remover of the causes of attachment and aversion.

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