Dharmika Sadvritta (Moral codes of conduct).


  1. One should not perform spells, worship of sacred trees and superiors, and studies while remaining impure.
  2. Should offer oblation, perform religious sacrifices, donations, pay respect to road crossings, offer Bali (religious offerings or ritualistic sacrifices).
  3. Should offer hospitality to guests, offer Pinda (rice balls) to forefathers.
  4. One should adopt auspicious conduct, should avoid places with dirty clothes, bones, thorns, impure articles, hairs, chaff, garbage, ash, and skull and one should bathe & sacrifice.
  5. One should not leave without touching the gems, ghee, the respectable, the auspicious and flowers.
  6. One should not pass the respectable and the auspicious on left and others on right side.
  7. One should not tell lies and should not take other’s possessions.
  8. Should not covet other’s women or property.
  9. Should not indulge in enmity, sinful acts, or be vicious (even to a sinner).
  10. Should not point out defects of others and should not try to know other’s secrets.
  11. One should not keep company of the unvirtuous, those hated by the king, insane persons, those not following social ethics, foetus killers, wretched and wicked.

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