Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani

Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani Main Use


  1. Fever
  2. vatarakta (Gaut arthritis)

Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani Category


  • Vedana sthapan
  • Vaya sthapan

Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani Names

Sanskrit Names

Amruta, Rasayani, jvaranashi, Vayastha,

Names in Different Languages

Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani Properties

Mahabhut | Elements

  • Akash

Guna | Property

  • Laghu
  • Ruksha
  • Mridu

Rasa | Taste

  • Katu
  • Tikta
  • Kashaya

Virya | Potency

  • Ushna

Vipak | Taste after Digestion

  • Madhur

Prabhav | Inconceivable Power

  • Rasayan

Action on Dosha

  • Vata ↓, Pitta ↓, Kapha ↓

Aug. 8, 2024, 10:26 p.m.

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Dravya Image
Dravya Image Dravya Image Dravya Image
Swarup | Features


Not any


  • Chakrika shape in transverse section of stem
Karma | Action

Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani Action on Dosha

  • Vata ↓, Pitta ↓, Kapha ↓
  • Tridosh Shamak

Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani Action on Specific Organs

  • Hridaya
  • Yakrit
External Use

Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani External Applications

Kushtagna, Vedanastapan

Internal Use

Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani Internal Applications

Sapta dhatu rasayan

Action on Srotasas | Systems

Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani on different body systems

  • Rasa
  • Rakta
  • Mamsa
  • Meda
  • Asthi
  • Majja
  • Shukra
Action on Pranavah Srotas | Respiratory System

Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani on Respiratory system

  • Kaas - take with kantakari ghrut

Action on Udakavaha Srotas | Udakavaha System
Action on Anna Srotas | Digestive System

Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani on Digestive system

  • Dipan, Pachan
  • Amlapitta
  • Kamal
  • Liver Problems

Action on Rasavah Srotas | Lymphatic System
Action on Raktavah Srotas | Circulatory System
Action on Mamsavah Srotas | Muscular system
Action on Medavah Srotas | Medavah System
Action on Asthivah Srotas | Skeletal System
Action on Majjavah Srotas | Nervous System
Action on Shukra Srotas | Reproductive System
Action on Artava Srotas | Mestrual System
Action on Purishavah Srotas | Excretory System
Action on Mutravah Srotas | Urinary System
Action on Svedavah Srotas | Svedavah System
Action on Manovah Srotas | Mental System
Action on Stanyavah Srotas | Milk System

Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani Matra | Dose

churn: 1-3gm, kwath: 40ml to 60ml


Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani Combinations

  1. Kaushor guugul


Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani Usage


1. The juice of Giloy is used as a Rasayan (rejuvenate). Chi. A. 1

2. In case of typhoid- Giloy juice cures typhoid.Ch. A. 3

3. In jaundice - Adding honey to Giloy juice cures jaundice. Drink it in the morning. Chi. A. 20

4. In bile-induced vomiting - give juice of Giloy to drink. Chi. a. 23

5. In case of gout, add milk and oil to Giloy juice and cook the oil. When some of the water evaporates, give this oil in gout. Chi. A. 29

6. For breast purification - give Guduchikwatha to drink. Chi. A. 30


7. If gout is caused by pitta, give Guduchiswarasa. Ch. A. 6

8. In piles - give Guduchi juice or powder and then give Takra to drink.Ch. A. 6.

9. Use Guduchi's cold decoction in rheumatic fever. U. A. 29


10. In all cases of diabetes, give Guduchi juice mixed with honey to the patient.Ch. A. 12


11. To become strong - Take Guduchi powder 10, jaggery 10, honey 16, ghee 16. Firstly, prepare syrup of jaggery and ghee. Add honey and powder in it and make small balls. After judging the strength of the gastric fire, give the balls to eat. Eat moderate and beneficial food. The person who does this remedy does not suffer from any disease. The bends and cramps also go away.

12. In Chronic Fever- By adding long pepper and honey to Guduchi-kwatha and taking it, diseases like Chronic Fever, cough etc. are cured.

13. In jaundice Mix the paste of Guduchipatra with buttermilk drink it.


14. In leprosy- give the patient as much Guduchi juice as he can drink. After digestion feed the person rice and ghee made from mango juice. Even the disease of old age does not occur and the person becomes radiant.

15. Take Gudchi juice, buffalo milk and ghee in Halimak and prepare a mixture of these. For a son, take 1 tola of mrit, 4 tola of juice and 16 tola of milk.

16. In vata-induced menorrhagia – Guduchi juice is given.


17. In case of pleurisy, grind Guduchimool and give it to drink.

18. In fever- make vegetable from its leaves and give it to eat.

19. In Shleepad - give Guduchiswarasa with sesame oil.


20. In the air in the heart - Take gudchi juice or powder and black pepper in the morning. Then drink hot water.


21. In Pillarmatimir- Take 1 ton of good fresh Guduchi juice, add 1 masha honey and 1 masha sandhav in it and after mixing it well, put it in the intestine. Regular use cures weakness, blindness and cataract.

22. In chronic fever – Drinking Guduchi juice cures chronic fever.

23. For Gout: Drinking decoction of Guduchi, Castor root and Vasamul with castor oil cures the overall Gout.

24. For all eye problems - Pippali with Guduchi and Triphalakwath And by adding honey and drinking it regularly, all eye problems go away.

25. In all types of Diabetes consume Guduchi Juice and honey daily.

26. In Kamala – Guduchiswarasa works very well.

Amritasattva, Sanshamanivati, Guduchyadi Modak Amritadyarishta, Guduchyadikwatha and Brihadgudduchyadikwatha (for all fevers), Amritadikwatha (for wind-blood), Amritashtaka Kwatha (for Pittashleshmajvara), Amritashtat, Guduchyadikwatha

( in old fever), guduchyadikwath (third fever), guduchyadi rasakriya (chalu-roge), guduchihim (jinannjvare ).

Tinospora Malabarica is popularly known as 'Padmagulancha' in Bengal and 'Gulancha' in other places.


Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani References in Books

  • Charak samhit
  • Sushrut samhita

Chemical Composition
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