Erand (Castor plant)
Erand (Castor plant) Main Use
Oil used as laxative, treatment of joint pain, and skin issues
Erand (Castor plant) Category
- Vedana sthapan
- Vaya sthapan
Erand (Castor plant) Names
- Erand
- Gandharva hasta
Names in Different Languages
Erand (Castor plant) Properties
- Akash
Guna | Property
- Laghu
- Ruksha
- Mridu
Rasa | Taste
- Katu
- Tikta
- Kashaya
Virya | Potency
- Ushna
Vipak | Taste after Digestion
- Madhur
Prabhav | Inconceivable Power
- Rasayan
Action on Dosha
- Vata ↓, Pitta ↓, Kapha ↓
Erand (Castor plant) Botenical Features
Large shrub or small tree with thick, palm-shaped leaves
Collection time
Oil consistency thick, yellowish in color
Erand (Castor plant) Action on Dosha
- Vata ↓, Pitta ↓, Kapha ↓
- Vata-Kapha balancing
Erand (Castor plant) Action on Dhatu
Erand (Castor plant) Action on Mala
Erand (Castor plant) Action on Specific Organs
- Hridaya
- Yakrit
Erand (Castor plant) External Applications
Castor oil externally for skin inflammation, burns
Erand (Castor plant) Internal Applications
Used for constipation, promoting digestion
Erand (Castor plant) on different body systems
- Rasa
- Rakta
- Mamsa
- Meda
- Asthi
- Majja
- Shukra
Erand (Castor plant) on Respiratory system
Prana-enhancing in cases of fatigue and Vata disorders
Erand (Castor plant) on Udakavaha system
Helps in improving water retention and balancing body fluids
Erand (Castor plant) on Digestive system
Stimulates digestion, useful in indigestion and Ama condition
Erand (Castor plant) on Lymphatic system
Improves Rasa formation and flow
Erand (Castor plant) on Circulatory system
Supports purification of Rakta (blood)
Erand (Castor plant) on Muscular system
Strengthens muscle tissue (Mamsa dhatu)
Erand (Castor plant) on Medavah system
Helps reduce excess fat tissue (Meda dhatu)
Erand (Castor plant) on Skeletal system
Supports bone health (Asthi dhatu)
Erand (Castor plant) on Nervous system
Improves Marrow and nervous tissue health
Erand (Castor plant) on Reproductive system
Promotes reproductive health
Erand (Castor plant) on Mestrual system
Regulates menstrual cycle
Erand (Castor plant) on Excretory system
Supports bowel movements
Erand (Castor plant) on Urinary system
Diuretic properties, supports healthy urine flow
Erand (Castor plant) on Svedavah system
Helps with healthy sweating and detoxification
Erand (Castor plant) on Mental system
Calms Vata in the mind, reduces anxiety
Erand (Castor plant) on Milk system
Increases lactation
Erand (Castor plant) on Fever
Mild heat regulation
Erand (Castor plant) Satmikarana
Suitable for cold seasons
Erand (Castor plant) Matra | Dose
Oil: 5-10ml, Seed: 1-3g
Erand (Castor plant) Combinations
Erand oil in combination with Triphala for constipation
Erand (Castor plant) Usage
Used in Panchakarma therapies like Virechana
Erand (Castor plant) References in Books
- Charak Samhita
- Sushruta Samhita
Erand (Castor plant) Chemical Composition
Ricinoleic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid
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