
Dravya Name
3 Erand (Castor plant) Akash Laghu Ruksha Mridu Katu Tikta Kashaya Ushna Madhur Vata ↓, Pitta ↓, Kapha ↓

Oil used as laxative, treatment of joint pain, and skin issues

4 Shatawari - Queen of Herbs Jala Prithvi Guru Sheeta Snigdha Madhura Tikta Sheet Madhur Vata ↓, Pitta ↓

Shatavari is a galactagogue (promotes milk production), aids in ulcer healing, serves as a general health tonic for rejuvenation and vitality, and helps balance Vata dosha, support reproductive health, improve digestion, and strengthen the immune system.

2 Guduchi Tinospora Cardifolia Amruta, Rasayani Akash Laghu Ruksha Mridu Katu Tikta Kashaya Ushna Madhur Vata ↓, Pitta ↓, Kapha ↓
  1. Fever
  2. vatarakta (Gaut arthritis)