Wearing Auspicious Items (Mangala Vastu Dharana)



"सततं सिद्धमन्चरस्य महोपध्यास्तथेव च ।
रोचनासर्पपादीनां मझगल्यानां च 'घारणम्‌ ॥ ९४॥
आयुळेक्ष्मीकरं रक्षोहरं मंगलदं शुभम्‌।
हिस््तादिभयविध्वंसि वशीकरणकारकम्‌॥"
Translation: "Wearing auspicious items such as Siddha Mantra, Mahopadhyaya, Gorochana, and auspicious herbs brings longevity, prosperity, protection, and positive energy. They dispel fear, instill confidence, and bring good fortune."

  1. Auspicious Items to Wear: Adorn items like Siddha Mantra Yantras (blessed amulets), Gorochana (a sacred herb), specific gemstones, and herbal powders. These items are known for their protective and spiritually enhancing qualities.
  2. Purpose of Wearing: Wear auspicious items to bring health, prosperity, and positive energy. They are especially recommended for protection, harmony, and enhancing spiritual strength.
  3. Placement and Time: Worn on the body as per traditional practices, usually as a pendant, ring, or bracelet. Use during auspicious days or events for maximum effect.
  4. Purification and Activation: These items are often energized through rituals or blessings from a spiritual teacher to enhance their protective and auspicious qualities.



"देवगोविप्रवृद्धानां गुरूणा चैव पूज़नम्‌।
आयुष्यं वृस्किद्‌ं पुण्यमलक्ष्मीकिट्विपापहदन्‌ ॥९६॥"
Translation: "Offering reverence to gods, cows, sages, and elders, and wearing auspicious items brings longevity, prosperity, and virtue, dispelling misfortune and negativity."

  1. Protection from Negative Energies: These items guard against negative influences, including evil energies and planetary disturbances, ensuring a protective aura around the wearer.
  2. Increased Longevity and Prosperity: Wearing items with sacred herbs and materials like Gorochana or energized metals enhances lifespan and attracts prosperity.
  3. Dispels Fear and Provides Mental Peace: These items work to eliminate fear and instill a sense of calm, bringing emotional and mental stability.
  4. Enhances Spiritual Strength: Energized items aid in spiritual growth, meditation, and focus, enhancing one’s connection to higher energies.
  5. Brings Auspiciousness and Good Fortune: Wearing these items attracts positive energy, good luck, and auspiciousness, supporting the wearer’s well-being and success.

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