Wearing Auspicious Items (Mangala Vastu Dharana)
"सततं सिद्धमन्चरस्य महोपध्यास्तथेव च ।
रोचनासर्पपादीनां मझगल्यानां च 'घारणम् ॥ ९४॥
आयुळेक्ष्मीकरं रक्षोहरं मंगलदं शुभम्।
हिस््तादिभयविध्वंसि वशीकरणकारकम्॥"
Translation: "Wearing auspicious items such as Siddha Mantra, Mahopadhyaya, Gorochana, and auspicious herbs brings longevity, prosperity, protection, and positive energy. They dispel fear, instill confidence, and bring good fortune."
- Auspicious Items to Wear: Adorn items like Siddha Mantra Yantras (blessed amulets), Gorochana (a sacred herb), specific gemstones, and herbal powders. These items are known for their protective and spiritually enhancing qualities.
- Purpose of Wearing: Wear auspicious items to bring health, prosperity, and positive energy. They are especially recommended for protection, harmony, and enhancing spiritual strength.
- Placement and Time: Worn on the body as per traditional practices, usually as a pendant, ring, or bracelet. Use during auspicious days or events for maximum effect.
- Purification and Activation: These items are often energized through rituals or blessings from a spiritual teacher to enhance their protective and auspicious qualities.
"देवगोविप्रवृद्धानां गुरूणा चैव पूज़नम्।
आयुष्यं वृस्किद्ं पुण्यमलक्ष्मीकिट्विपापहदन् ॥९६॥"
Translation: "Offering reverence to gods, cows, sages, and elders, and wearing auspicious items brings longevity, prosperity, and virtue, dispelling misfortune and negativity."
- Protection from Negative Energies: These items guard against negative influences, including evil energies and planetary disturbances, ensuring a protective aura around the wearer.
- Increased Longevity and Prosperity: Wearing items with sacred herbs and materials like Gorochana or energized metals enhances lifespan and attracts prosperity.
- Dispels Fear and Provides Mental Peace: These items work to eliminate fear and instill a sense of calm, bringing emotional and mental stability.
- Enhances Spiritual Strength: Energized items aid in spiritual growth, meditation, and focus, enhancing one’s connection to higher energies.
- Brings Auspiciousness and Good Fortune: Wearing these items attracts positive energy, good luck, and auspiciousness, supporting the wearer’s well-being and success.
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