Shatpavali (Walking 100 Steps) After Meals
Shatpavali is the Ayurvedic practice of taking a short, gentle walk of about 100 steps after meals to aid digestion and support overall health. This practice is rooted in the belief that mild movement after eating enhances digestion, promotes circulation, and prevents post-meal sluggishness.
भुक्त्वा शतपद्ं गच्छेच्छनेस्तेन तु जायते । अन्नसंघातशेथिल्यं ग्रोवाजानुकटीखुखम् ॥ १९० ॥भुकत्वांपांवशतस्तुन्द् दायानस्य बल भवत 1 आयुश्चक्रममाणस्य स्यृत्युधावात धावतः ॥ १९१ ॥ *्वासानष्ठी ससुत्तानस्तान्दिः पारवे तु दक्षिणे । ततस्तद्विगुणान्वामे पश्चात्स्वप्याचयथासुखम् ॥ १९२ ॥ वामदिहश्यायामनलो नाभेरूध्वो5स्ति जन्तूनामू । तस्माचु वामपाइवें शयीत भुक्तप्रपाकार्थसू ॥ १९२
(Yogaratnakar, Chapter 3)
How to Practice Shatpavali:
Duration: Take around 100 steps or a brief 5- to 10-minute walk after each meal. This duration is sufficient to stimulate digestion without overexerting the body.
Pace: Walk at a calm, relaxed pace without rushing, allowing the body to focus on digestion without straining.
Timing: Practice Shatpavali particularly after your heaviest meal of the day (often lunch) to prevent heaviness and support optimal energy levels.
Post-Walk Rest:
- After the walk, rest comfortably in a relaxed position for a few minutes to allow the digestive system to settle.
- When lying down, start by resting on your back and taking eight deep breaths to calm the mind and body.
- Then, turn to the right side, taking sixteen breaths, followed by turning to the left side and taking thirty-two breaths. The final rest on the left side allows for optimal digestion because the stomach is positioned on the left, helping the digestive process.
- Once fully relaxed, sleep or continue to rest as needed.
- Enhances Digestion: Shatpavali stimulates the digestive fire (Agni), promoting efficient digestion and reducing symptoms like bloating and gas.
- Balances Doshas:
- Vata: Stabilizing and grounding, Shatpavali helps prevent bloating and gas.
- Pitta: Moderates digestive heat, avoiding overheating and ensuring balanced metabolism.
- Kapha: Reduces heaviness and lethargy, preventing post-meal drowsiness.
- Improves Nutrient Absorption: Gentle movement supports the digestive tract, allowing nutrients to be absorbed more effectively.
- Enhances Mental Clarity: Reduces post-meal sluggishness, keeping the mind focused and alert.
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