Wearing Floral Garlands


Wearing floral garlands made from fragrant flowers and leaves is an important aspect of daily life in Ayurveda. These garlands are not only decorative but also carry significant benefits for both the body and the mind. Here are some guidelines for incorporating floral garlands into your routine:

  1. Choose Fresh Flowers: Always select fresh, fragrant flowers that are suitable for wearing as garlands. Common choices include jasmine, marigold, and rose.
  2. Ensure Cleanliness: Make sure the flowers and leaves are clean and free from pesticides or chemicals. Wash them gently before use.
  3. Wear Daily: It is beneficial to wear floral garlands daily, especially during auspicious occasions or rituals.
  4. Avoid Heavy Garlands: Choose lightweight garlands that do not cause discomfort or strain on the neck.
  5. Replace Regularly: Change the garland every few hours or at least once a day to maintain freshness and fragrance.
  6. Combine with Rituals: Incorporate the wearing of garlands into your daily rituals, such as prayer or meditation, to enhance spiritual connection.


  • Enhances Beauty: The fragrance and beauty of the flowers add to one's physical allure, contributing to overall attractiveness (Kantikara).
  • Protection: Floral garlands are believed to protect against negative energies, such as evil spirits and planetary influences (Paparaksha, Grahahara).
  • Promotes Well-Being: The natural fragrances from the flowers uplift the mood, reduce stress, and promote emotional well-being (Kamoja).
  • Increases Ojas: Wearing floral garlands is said to enhance vitality and energy (Ojas) within the body, making one feel more vibrant and alive.
  • Attracts Prosperity: It is believed that floral garlands attract abundance and prosperity (Lakshmi), fostering a sense of wealth and fortune.

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