Do's and Don'ts After Eating: Do’s and Don’ts After Eating: Essential Guidelines for Better Digestion


In Ayurveda, specific practices are recommended after meals to promote optimal digestion, prevent digestive issues, and support doshic balance. Following these guidelines helps improve Agni (digestive fire) and ensures that the body properly absorbs nutrients from food.

Do’s After Eating

  1. Engage the Senses Mindfully:

    • Sloka: "शब्दान्स्पशाश्व रूपाणि रसान्गंस्थान्मनःप्रियान्‌ । भुक्तवानाव सवत तेनान साच तिष्ठाति ॥ ९१६॥"
    • Guideline: After eating, enjoy pleasant sounds, scents, sights, tastes, and touch to engage the senses positively. This aids in mental satisfaction and supports digestive stability.
  2. Rest and Digest:

    • Sit in a comfortable position for a few minutes after eating, allowing your body to focus on digestion.
    • If possible, follow the Ayurvedic practice of Shatpavali (walking 100 steps) for gentle stimulation of the digestive fire.
  3. Consume Digestive Aids if Necessary:

    • For Indigestion: If there’s a feeling of heaviness or indigestion after waking up, chew a mixture of Hirda (Haritaki), dried ginger (Sunthi), and rock salt (Saindhava) with cool water. This mixture helps alleviate indigestion and prepares the stomach for the next meal.
    • Sloka: "भवेद्यांदे प्रातर्जाणदाडूश तदा5भयानागरसेन्धवानासू । विचूर्णित शीतजळेन भुकक्‍त्वा मुक्तामशंको मितमन्नमद्यात्‌ ॥"

Don’ts After Eating

  1. Avoid Engaging in Strenuous Activities:

    • Sloka: "व्यायामं च व्यवायं च धघावनं पानमेव च। युद्ध गीतं च पाठ च सुहते भुक्तवांस्त्यजेत्‌ ॥ २१९॥"
    • Guideline: Avoid physical activities such as exercise, running, swimming, and even strenuous mental activities like loud singing or reading aloud immediately after a meal. These activities draw energy away from digestion and can weaken Agni.
  2. Limit Water Intake and Avoid Overeating:

    • Guideline: Drinking excessive amounts of water or consuming very liquid-heavy meals can impair digestion. Similarly, overeating can lead to feelings of heaviness and indigestion.
    • Sloka: "अत्यस्बुपानाछेषमादानाच्च सथारणात्स्वप्तावपयंयाज्य।"
  3. Refrain from Lying Down or Sleeping:

    • Sloka: "शयने चान चाति न भजेन्न द्रवाधिकम्‌_ । नाग्न्यातपो न छुवनं न यानं नापि बाहनम्‌ ॥ २१८॥"
    • Guideline: Avoid lying down or sleeping directly after eating, as it can slow digestion and lead to accumulation of Kapha (heaviness, lethargy). Sitting upright allows food to settle and reduces the risk of acid reflux.
  4. Don’t Ignore Natural Urges:

    • Guideline: Avoid holding back urges for urination or bowel movements after meals. Suppressing these urges can disrupt digestion and lead to the buildup of toxins in the body.
    • Sloka: "मलमूत्रादिकांचे वेंग भावरून धरणें।"
  5. Avoid Repeated Eating:

    • Sloka: "प्राग्भुक्ते त्वनळे मन्दे हिरह्दो न समाहरेत्‌ ॥... पूर्वेसुक्तेविद्ग्धे5ने भुखानो हन्ति पावकम्‌ ॥"
    • Guideline: Don’t eat repeatedly or consume food again before the previous meal is fully digested. This practice, known as Adhyashana, leads to weakened digestion and causes food to remain undigested, resulting in digestive issues and potential toxin buildup (Ama).


Following these Ayurvedic do’s and don’ts after eating promotes digestion, enhances nutrient absorption, and helps prevent digestive disorders. These guidelines are essential for maintaining Agni, balancing doshas, and ensuring overall health and well-being.

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