

Disorders alleviated by smoking: heaviness and pain in head, chronic rhinitis, hemicrania, earache, pain in eyes, cough, hiccup, dyspnoea, spasm in throat, weakness of teeth, discharge due to disorders of ear, nose and eyes, etc.Formula: harenuka, priyangu, prthvika, kesara, nakha, hribera, candana, patra, twak, ela, usira, pakmaka, dhyamaka, madhuka, mamsi, guggulu, aguru, sarkara, bark of nyagrodha, udumbara, aswattaha, plaksa, lodhra, vanya, sarjarasa, musta, etc.Unctuous smoking: One should use unctuous smoking made of useful drugs of sweet group added properly with muscle fat, ghee, and wax. Number: Smoking should be done thrice with three puffs each. During the times of the day, the wise should smoke twice as daily routine, once for unctuous and thrice or four times for evacuative effect. Times: Eight times prescribed as a daily routine, because at these times V and K get aggravated. They are: after baths, meals, vomiting, sneezing, tooth brushing, snuffing, use of collyrium, and sleep. Procedure: Smoke by inhaling through the nostrils for disorders located in the head, nose, and eyes. Smoke by inhaling through the mouth for disorders located in the throat. However, never exhale/emit the smoke through the nose.One should smoke through one nostril closing the other one three rounds, thrice in each round, cautiously while sitting comfortably with straight body and eyes and concentration of mind.Features of the Pipe: Length: 24 fingers long (using one’s own fingers) for evacuative smoking, 32 for unctuous smoking, 36 for routine smoking. Design: straight, having three pouches and nozzle of the measure of the jujube stone.Material: similar as for recommended for enema pipeSmoking Formula: harenuka, priyangu, prthvika, kesara, nakha, hribera, candana, patra, twak, ela, usira, pakmaka, dhyamaka, madhuka, mamsi, guggulu, aguru, sarkara, bark of nyagrodha, udumbara, aswattaha, plaksa, lodhra, vanya, sarjarasa, etc.Complications of improper smoking: deafness, blindness, dumbness, internal hemorrhage, and vertigo. Voice is not clear, throat is full of K and head is cold and heavy.Complications of excessive smoking: palate, head and throat dry up with heat sensation, the person gets thirsty and fainted, bleeding is increased, excessive giddiness and fainting and dysfunction of sense organs.Treatment of improper smoking: intake of ghee, snuff, collyrium, and saturating diet. Treatment should be unctuous if V follows P, cold in raktapitta, and roughening in K-P.Contra-indications for smoking: after purgation, enema and bleeding, when afflicted with poison, anxiety, pregnant, in cases of fatigue, narcosis, ama, pitta, etc.Signs of proper smoking: well cleaning of heart, throat and sense organs, lightness of head and pacification of V + K. Chest, throat and head attain lightness and K is diluted


Benefits of smoking: increased strength of hairs, skull, sense organs, and voice. Also, the person used to oral smoking does not fall prey to supraclavicular diseases of V and K nature, however strong they are.

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