Kanda Poha Spiced flattened rice

Kanda Poha Spiced flattened rice Properties

Mahabhut | Elements

  • Tej
  • Jala
  • Prithvi

Guna | Property

  • Tikshna
  • Ushna

Rasa | Taste

  • Katu

Virya | Potency

  • Ushna

Vipak | Taste after digestion

  • Katu

Prabhav | Inconsivible Power

  • Not any

Action on Dosha

  • Vata ↑, Pitta ↑, Kapha ↓

Kanda Poha Spiced flattened rice Actions


  • Vidhahi

Causes weight gain / loss

  • Apatarpan

Kanda Poha Spiced flattened rice Main Use

Main Purpose | Its main use on


Aug. 8, 2024, 5:53 p.m.

RAJVIDYA uploaded new photos

Kanda Poha Spiced flattened rice
Karma | Action

Kanda Poha Spiced flattened rice Action on Specific Organs

  • Twak
  • Yakrit

  • Impures Blood

Cures Diseases
It Causes Diseases
Who should Eat
Who should Avoid

Who should Avoid Kanda Poha Spiced flattened rice

  1. Pitta patients
  2. Anemic
  3. jaundice
  4. Skin disease

Main Drawback

Main Drawback by Kanda Poha Spiced flattened rice

  1. Increases pittta 
  2. Causes acidity problem
  3. Burning sensation

Viruddha-anna | Opposite recipe
Kaal | Time to take
Authentic way of Preparation

Authentic way of cooking Kanda Poha Spiced flattened rice

To avoide pitta problem take following prequitions

  1. Use water soaked groundnuts
  2. Use organic coldpressed oil

Patra | Utensils should be used

Utensils used in for cooking Kanda Poha Spiced flattened rice

  • earthen pots
  • brass
  • bronz
  • iron 

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